Wednesday, January 19, 2011

here i am

Here I am, reading
Here I am, writing
Here I am, trying
to convince the world that my head is worth
more than Lincoln
more than Jefferson
perhaps more than Washington
Here I am, panting
here, not there
but everything, after all, is never about where

Monday, January 17, 2011


On my way to purchase something of no importance, I waited on the sidewalk to cross the street.  As cars whisked by my feet in the wintry cold, I realized that death is simply one step away.  It takes a very special individual to walk into their death this way, knowing that he will be dragged by a dusty engine for at least 60 feet.

I am not that individual, nor do I wish to be.

I waited, until everything cleared, before sauntering into God's hands.